
Dan Perjovschi - lecture, Q&A (IEEB6 event)

Ce poti face cind sint atitea de facut? 

"Ecologia, dezmatul consumist poluarea si indiferenta fata de natura sint subiecte prezente in fiecare din cele 20 de proiecte de arta pe care le fac anual. Si uite-asa m-am trezit implicat in tot soiul de campanii. Iasiul iubeste teii (si nu-l lasa pe primar sa-i taie) Uniti Salvam Rosia Montana (pe toate meridianele) sau Fuck Frack (gazele de sist). Ce poate face un artist in situatiile astea? Depinde de sinceritate, de energie si de context. Eu am desenat pana s-a tocit carioca…" (Dan Perjovschi)

Data: Joi, 15 ianuarie 2015, orele 20
Locatia: Atelier 030202, Bucuresti (str. Sf. Vineri 11)

What can you do when there is so much to be done?

Ecology, pollution and filth consumerist indifference of nature are present in each of the 20 art projects that I do every year. And so I found myself involved in all sorts of campaigns. Iasi loves linden trees (and do not let the mayor to cut) Uniti Save Rosia Montana (all over the world) or Fuck Frack (shale gas). What can an artist do in these situations? ... Depends on the honesty, energy and context. I drew up until pencils were blunt... (Dan Perjovschi)

Date: Thursday, January 15, 2015, 20:00 Hours
Location: Atelier 030202, Bucharest (str. Sf. Vineri 11)